• 01-542982, 545720, 549106, 400156
  • info@ilbc.edu.mm, recdept@ilbc.edu.mm
  • ILBC

    International School



Technology Integrated Learning

Technology Integrated Curriculum

With the aim of students to have access to continuous learning, we have developed IGCSE and A Level curriculum into Technology Integrated Curriculum. All ILBC schools have been using Technology Integrated Curriculum since June 1, 2020. ILBC will use TIC in the future as well.

Technology Integrated Curriculum is a platform from which students can not only attend school on campus using textbooks and exercise books as usual but also study off campus using online resources allowing students to gain knowledge, facilitating wider perspective of learning. Moreover, it allows students to engage in much more effective learning through individual work, pair work and group work to do tasks/learning tools such as Homework, Classwork, Assignment, Project, Portfolio, Quizzes, Test, Tutorial, Examination and Assessment on Team through Cloud-based curriculum.

For the implementation of Technology Integrated Curriculum, the requirements include:

  • Teachers’ technological know-how
  • Huge fiscal investment for the implementation
  • Technology Integrated Curriculum
  • Technicians
  • Method and pedagogy
  • Parents’ co-operation

Investments include:

  • Laptops, computers, Data Card, Modem, Licensed Software for teachers
  • Classroom upgrades to facilitate learning wherever the student is, including Internet access, 65 inches Smart TV, large classrooms that allow a student space of 36 square feet, Acoustic System, Video Conferencing Facility, Electronic Public Address System.
  • Professional Development programme for teachers who are assigned in Preschool to Secondary levels that allows all teachers concerned in Pre-service and In-service trainings to be well equipped with technology efficiency and new methodology and pedagogy in upgrading programmes
  • Technological support to facilitate teaching and learning by ILBC Information Technology Department
  • Curriculum development led by respective Department Heads

Use of textbooks and exercise books

Textbooks and exercise books are to be used both on-campus and off-campus as required.

Use of Laptops/Computers

During on-campus learning, students from Kindergarten to Primary 3 do not need to bring computers to school as school will provide computers that students need to us during IT periods. However, for off-campus learning, students need to use own laptops at home to do Homework, Classwork, Assignment, Project, Portfolio, Quizzes, Test, Tutorial and Examination on Team.

During on campus school time, students can learn lessons using textbooks, exercise books and worksheets but for off campus studies, students are to use computers/laptops to learn lessons and do lesson practice. School work-related lessons, readers, exercises, etc., will be provided on Team.

Study in the class

Through classroom practice, students from Kindergarten to Primary 3 can acquire the following skills that they cannot learn by using computers.

  • Handwriting
  • Calculation done by hand
  • Drawing
  • Social dealings
  • Individual fitness exercise
  • Outdoor activities
  • Health and fitness opportunities
  • Opportunities to get used to New Normal life style

Advantages of Off-campus Learning (OfCL)

Access to a variety of Online resources

Online books, videos, and subject-related lessons enable fruitful learning. Students who get online access to a variety of resources, including books are much more capable where their knowledge, understanding and application are concerned compared to students who rely
only on books.

Record keeping

In post COVID-19 college application process, many universities prefer student records kept in Learning Management System (LMS) of schools to other data. ILBC LMS does not allow other data. The work of a student through On-campus Learning (OnCL) and Off-campus learning (OfCL) kept as records in ILBC Learning Management System (LMS) will be used as official school records.

Bias and Grudge

The work of a student, assessment by teachers and mark allocation, while learning Off-campus, are transparent as the system prevents bias – giving more marks in favour or deducting marks due to grudges. The work of students and teachers is recorded accordingly. Therefore, students need to finish assignments and other assigned tasks while learning Off-campus (OfCL).

Scope of learning

Larger scope of learning is possible where online learning is integrated.

Effective co-operative learning

By using computer and technology, students can learn lessons effectively in co-operation.

Individual work

OfCL facilitates students to engage in lessons as it allows students to have concentrated
attention in their work.

Emergency situations

Off-campus Learning (OfCL) enables students to have continuous learning in time of emergency provided that they have the learning opportunities open to them so as to study level by level.

Primary 4 to Secondary 6

Students need to bring their own laptops to school for On-campus Learning.

Use of Laptops/Computers

Once students are on campus in class, students can engage in writing, speaking, discussion, and classwork can be done in two ways.
1. Students can make use of exercise books and worksheets to do classwork and teachers will check these.
2. Students can make use of laptops to do previously uploaded classwork and teachers will do the correction.
Both will be in use as required, and students are to use laptops to do the followings:
Homework, Assessment, Projects, Portfolio, Quizzes, Test, Tutorial and Exam.

Practical work

Students can do practical work regarding both art and science subjects on campus at school.

Music, Fine Arts and Sports

  • Music
    Students can engage in Music related studies on campus and off campus, using laptops at home.
  • Fine Arts
    Students can engage in Fine Arts lessons on campus and off campus, using laptops at home.
  • Health and Fitness
    Students can engage in health and fitness activities on campus and off campus, using laptops at home.

Regular Curriculum

Regular Curriculum is good but in time of existing challenges such as outbreaks like pandemics, natural disasters, emergencies, it will come to a stop. Although IT is one of the subjects that students need to take, technological platforms are not in use in teaching and learning process. To give Homework, Assignment, Classwork, Project, Portfolio, Test, Tutorial and Examinations, pen and paper method is the one in use. To keep pen and paper work, a lot of space is in use and it can lead to damage in the long run.

Technology Integrated Curriculum

Technology Integrated Curriculum allows students to learn On Campus as well as Online at home and thus during pandemics or emergency situations, it facilitates continuous learning in a safe learning environment age appropriately on the right track.
Therefore, starting from 2020-2021 academic year, ILBC will use Technology Integrated Curriculum incorporated into existing regular IGCSE-based and A Level-based curriculum.
ILBC students are to attend free technology orientation training programmes beforehand upon registration to get used to technology and during that training programme, they need to use own laptops.

Discontinuity in learning/education and its potential consequences

It can lead to unwillingness to learn or loss of enthusiasm to go on learning, resulting in addiction to freedom, free life style, and ability to do things that they like and resulting in unwellness to put effort into hard work. It can take a year or so to gain momentum to study again. The freedom can outweigh the diligence that is required to be a good student. It is worthwhile to bear in mind that arrangements for continuous learning are in place.
Relentless thoughts can lead students to engage in other things outside studies and it can affect the future of them. The best places for youngsters who are of school going age are the schools.

ILBC TIL Monthly School Fees

2024 – 2025 Academic Year

ILBC Yangon / Nay Pyi Taw / Monywa

Class On-Campus School Fee Online School Fee
Kindergarten 669,000 394,000
Primary I 705,000 430,000
Primary II 705,000 430,000
Primary III 705,000 430,000
Primary IV 722,000 447,000
Primary V 722,000 447,000
Primary VI 722,000 447,000
Secondary I 745,000 470,000
Secondary II 745,000 470,000
Secondary III 745,000 470,000
Secondary IV 745,000 470,000
Secondary V 765,000 490,000
Secondary VI 785,000 510,000

ILBC Mandalay

Class On-Campus School Fee Online School Fee
Kindergarten 630,000 330,000
Primary I 640,000 340,000
Primary II 640,000 340,000
Primary III 640,000 340,000
Primary IV 650,000 350,000
Primary V 650,000 350,000
Primary VI 650,000 350,000
Secondary I 659,000 359,000
Secondary II 659,000 359,000
Secondary III 659,000 359,000
Secondary IV 689,000 389,000
Secondary V 699,000 399,000
Secondary VI 709,000 409,000

ILBC Lashio / Taunggyi / Myeik

Class On-Campus School Fee Online School Fee
Kindergarten 649,000 374,000
Primary I 677,000 402,000
Primary II 677,000 402,000
Primary III 677,000 402,000
Primary IV 702,000 427,000
Primary V 702,000 427,000
Primary VI 702,000 427,000
Secondary I 725,000 450,000
Secondary II 725,000 450,000
Secondary III 725,000 450,000
Secondary IV 745,000 470,000
Secondary V 765,000 490,000
Secondary VI 785,000 510,000

ILBC Myitkyina

Class On-Campus School Fee Online School Fee
Kindergarten 585,000 310,000
Primary I 605,000 330,000
Primary II 605,000 330,000
Primary III 605,000 330,000
Primary IV 625,000 350,000
Primary V 625,000 350,000
Primary VI 625,000 350,000
Secondary I 645,000 370,000
Secondary II 645,000 370,000
Secondary III 645,000 370,000
Secondary IV 665,000 390,000
Secondary V 685,000 410,000
Secondary VI 705,000 430,000