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    International School

Taunggyi ILBC has Boffo Summer Concert

Today the Taunggyi branch of ILBC (International Language Business Center) presented a high energy Summer Concert to mark the closing of its summer school program for 2017.

The event took place in the Multi-purpose area of the campus where a stage and seating for over 100s of proud parents in attendance to view their children’s English facility and singing/acting ability in thirteen songs and skits.

The program opened with a recital performed by all the students in the Basic English classes (both morning and afternoon sessions). Immediately following that bubbly number the Head of the School, Ms Khin Myat Wut Yee, gave a brief speech lauding the success of the summer school academic and athletic courses. That was followed by the formal certificate presentation to all the students who participated in the summer school curriculum.

Then the program switched gears from the staid to the sparkling. The entertainment started with the nine youngest students from the Beginner classes performing an animated version of the popular kids’ ditty, “I’m A Gummy Bear”. Those little dancers were bursting with energy and overflowing with joy. What a grand, heart-warming performance!

A traditional Nepal dance by eight members of the Beginner and Basic classes was next on the agenda. The Nepal dance moves were highly structured and elegant. Impressive multi-leveled act: combined creativity, controlled gestures and cultural concerns.

A contemporary dance number was next. Eleven Basic 1 students in western attire including baseball caps wriggled to the rock ballad “Don’t Let Me Down” made popular by the group The Chainsmokers. Taunggyi might be somewhat isolated in the Shan Mountains but the ILBC students are right up to date with all the latest music and dance styles.

The next act on the program was a short narrative skit titled The Little Red Hen acted by three students from the Basic 2 morning class. Seven talented dancers from the Basic 4, (six girls and one boy) performed a decidedly energetic number called Hula Hoop Dance. Their coordination and rhythm were noteworthy.

That was followed by five students from Basic 1 and 4 in blue and black costumes moving spontaneously with simple props to the song Happy Summertime.

Six girls from Basic 6 and Elementary 1 bounced and hopped; shimmied and shook to the pop ballad “It’s A Beautiful Life” made popular by the Swedish 1990s group Ace of Base.

The Right Thing to Do was a combination dramatic skit with a serious morale and an accompanying moralistic song. Seven students enrolled in Basic 6 and Elementary 2 attired in original costumes and creatively painted back-drop set gave the play a professional aura.

Knee Dance was a whimsical performance with only the students’ knees showing. Each knee was ‘dressed’ in comical apparel (and some with wigs) which conveyed specific personality characteristics. Four students, eight knee personalities; clever and animated. An unexpected change of pace.

Next was the set-piece titled “Win The Day National Diversity Fashion Show”.  Slides, elaborate costumes – ethnically derived flags underlined Myanmar patriotism. Seven students recited brief nationalistic speeches on various aspects of Myanmar multiculturalism.

The humorous Towel Dance was provocatively/humorously danced by two male students from Intermediate 5 class. Lime green beach towels were utilized as props in a comical now-you-see-it, now-you-don’t series of movements. Jokey and full of life.

The penultimate routine was a serious Advisory Talk by Thu Thu Han from Intermediate 3 class. She gave an informative slide lecture on the multi-facetted attributes both academically and artistically available to children attending ILBC Taunggyi branch.

The closing act was a song performed by three female students from the Elementary 5 class titled “Love Me Like You Do”. Those teenage girls gave a spirited, highly animated dance/singing routine. Bubbling over with positive vibes.

Of special note was the professionalism and grace of the two student MC’s, from the Basic 4 class, Ei Mon Kyaw and Moe Pwint Phyo; those girls displayed impeccable pronunciation in both English and Myanmar. The Summer Concert showed in aces that the Taunggyi ILBC branch has a plethora of positive attributes. Students grow intellectually, artistically and physically. A first class school for the development of the whole child nuzzled in majestic Taunggyi, Shan State.

Credit to Andrew

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